A bit about us …

Out With the Dog

About Mylo


Website Founder
2010 - 2021

About Albie


Team Leader and Walk Inspector
2021 - Present Day

About Arlo


Team Apprentice and Attention Seeker
2023 - Present Day

So here is a bit About Us.  Back in 2010 we decided as a family to look for our first dog and shortly after an opportunity arose to take on Mylo a 10 month old Black Labrador.  Mylo instantly settled into the family and with two young kids in the house he loved all the attention.  He went everywhere with us and although he wasn’t neccessarly the best at the recall and walking to heal he did eventually get the hang of it and became a trustworthy and obient companion.  

Going on lots of walks as you do with a dog and two small kids we soon got bored going to the same safe places.  We wanted Mylo to run fee and not get into any trouble so we started exploring some new locations.  The aim was to document these walks so we would know next time if there was cattle round the next corner or a busy road at the end of a path and how secure any fencing was sourrounding a field or park.  With a growing amount of information we then finally decided it would be a great idea to share our findings with other dog walkers and so a website was created and “Out With The Dog” was born.  

Mylo was the inspiration behind “Out With The Dog” and I think he loved helping create the reviews and starring in the many photos.  Sadly though back in May 2021 Mylo suddenly collapsed with no warning.  We rushed him to the vets where they tried tirelessly to help him but after a week of blood transfusions and various drugs Mylo slipped away and went over the rainbow bridge in the sky leaving us all heartbroken.

A little while later and after initially saying that we would wait a year before getting another dog so we could go and do all those things you can’t do so easily when you have a four legged friend in tow we ended up going to visit a litter of puppies and Albie was brought into the family.  This was follwed two and half years later by Arlo and the boys created “The A Team” and continue today where their great Uncle Mylo left off and they continue to explore and bring you some exciting new locations.  

Out With The Dog aim to provide many more reviews and markers on the map over the coming months enabling you to find great walks whether your at home, away visiting friends or relaxing on holiday.   

Searching The Map is a a great place to start finding new locations with markers linking to available reviews enabling you to get a feel for your chosen walk and whether it is suitable for you and your dog.

We hope you find ‘Out with the dog’ both useful and informative and hope we have given you a snippet about us and what we are about.  

We would welcome any feedback to enable us to grow and improve the site over the coming months so please feel free to contact the team with your comments and suggestions by using our ‘Contact Us‘ page.

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