Search Map Help

Welcome to our Search map help which will provide a quick over view on how to use our map.

Use your mouse to Zoom in and out and move around the map to find a walk or enter a location, postcode or catagory in the search box below the map.

Click on one of the paw icon’s on the map and a pop up window will show you the address, facilities available, a brief description. Clicking the ‘Get directions’ link will either provide a list of directions on the page or if using your smart phone will open your default map app. If the location has been reviewed or more information is available then a ‘More details’ link will also be shown.

The paw icons are plotted on the map at the most suitable car parking location so when using the ‘Get directions’ link you end up at a carpark and not a field.

Any Markers that have been generated by vistors to ‘Out With The Dog’  are highlighted with a paw with a grey background inside the relevant coloured circle.

Please remember that all dogs are different so when visiting any of the walk locations please be sensible and use your own judgement and observe signs as to whether it is suitable for your dog and whether your dog should or can be let off lead. 

Please also be responsible and always pick up after your dog.

If you have any questions then please feel free to Contact us.